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For the longest time, I hated having people in my images. I felt that having any human elements in composition took away from the naturality of the place and worked quite hard at creating images devoid of human presence. But off late, I realize the power of having a human element in a picture, especially to convey scale. I am not very good at it yet, but I hope to keep at it and create some compelling scenes.
Recently I had a chance to visit the beautiful Alabama Hills in Lone Pine, California. While taking a break at one of our favorite camping spots, I noticed this couple going for a hike among the rock formations. Then, as we were about to leave, I saw the same couple coming back from their walk. They seemed to be having a great time, and somehow, I wanted to capture that scene. I had the 70-200mm lens on my camera and thankfully had the presence of mind to shoot a 4-shot panorama image at 90mm quickly. Thankfully, all the images came sharp, and I could stitch them together into a panorama image. I love the final results and how majestic the Alabama Hills look in this image.