I recently spent a wonderful day hiking in the black forest. It was cloudy, raining from time to time - perfect conditions for waterfall photography. The cascade in the photo is near Baden Baden in the northern black forest. I had to wade through knee deep water to get a good perspective on the waterfall. The cold water felt very refreshing and I needed it. I had been up since 3 am to get a sunrise in Kraichgau before I went on to the black forest.
Tech: Hoya HD polarizer + Lee 0.9 ND
Part of my ongoing "Black Forest Waterfalls" series
The waterfall of Geroldsau is located not far from Baden-Baden and the famous Schwarzwald...
Taken last spring in the northern black forest at one of my favourite cascades. It was a cloudy and rainy day which was perfect for waterfall photography. A polarizer helped to bring out the wonderful colors. In post I worked on contrast, details and just a bit on the colors, in the end I needed to reduce the saturation a bit since the incresed contrast also led to more intense colors.
I have a before and after comparison on my g+ profile if you're interested.