These red little boathouses are simply so picturesque in the Winter landscape, and no place to photograph them better than on the beautiful island of Sommarøya near Tromsø.
When I first became active on Flickr I found a winterphoto which I absolutely loved. It was made by Antony Spencer: I always wanted to find that place and try to take a similar photo. The first time I visited Sommarøya in 2016, I actually took a photo of this cabin without even realising it: The big difference being a lack of snow. Winter 2018 I gave it another try. I came up with this shot, and I quite like the low winter light, but I wish there had been a LOT more snow. Last summer I was there and saw that they are now building tourist cabins right next to it, so it will never be like this anymore.
Last Winter I visited the beautiful area around Tromsø (69° latitiude). One of the most scenic drives is out to Sommarøya, a small island connected by a bridge. This was taken near there. In Winter time the sun only spends a few hours above the horizon. It doesn't climb high so most of the sun time is golden hour time.