Finding this image by chance on the hard drive was definitely something of a 'poisoned chalice'...
I happened across this image and liked it straight away so I thought right time to get this one done... for someone who doesn't like to spend too long editing images this one was an absolute pain in the backside as it actually took several hours to do... nothing complicated about the image, no advanced or complicated methods needed, nope nothing like that... it was due to the sheer amount of dust spots on my camera sensor at this time! I don't think I've ever had an image as bad as this for dust spots, pollen, and crap on the filter / sensor which really shows up on long exposures such as this, as I remember I got this camera cleaned professionally after this shoot due to this...
This is 'Charlies Garden', a fantastic rock stock in the North Sea in Northumberland, this was shot just after sunset, the tide was just at the height I wanted and there were plenty of clouds about so this type of image was always in my mind.
At 3 minutes long it can be considered a really long exposure, I just wish it had taken that amount of time to process it!
Amusingly after I had done it, I found a PSD file in the folder which was titled 'unfinished dust spot nightmare', and when I opened it up it was this :-)
Portfolio of images on my personal website here