In contrast to my last picture from this beach here's one with a stormy sky. We went back to this beach on our last day in Portugal.
Originally we had planned on going down to the Ursa beach which was a big MUST GO THERE on my list. But unfortunately the weather didn't let us go. The Ursa beach is only reachable through a steep 45minutes hike along the cliffs... well usually no problem and I would normally have gone down there despite the weather. But after all this was a vacation and I had my girlfrind with me and when we started the hike it became so windy that it was very uncomfortable. Also the tracks we were walking on seemed to serve as little water runways in case of rain and well, this day it looked like rain. We might have gotten down to the Ursa beach but the way back very possibly with rain was not how we wanted our vacation to end. That's the part when you have to remind yourself that doing photography is a hobby which should be fun and that your very, very tolerant girlfrind might be a bit pissed if she got drenched just because of one or two decent photos ;-)
So we went back to Adraga again and this was a good decision. After above Image rain started and 5minutes to the car was much better than possible an hour climb ;-) Also what was very interesting was the transformation the Adraga beach had gone through in the last two days. The rain and tide removed nearly 3 feet of sand and rocks emerged where the last time only their tips were showing. And it was also a complete different shoot because of the weather.
About the shot. Again I used a lee 0.6 hard grad here so one exposure was enough. But I also learned that when I go on with this shooting technique I need a better camera. The 40d is good but when it comes to shadow detail and noise It's quite hard to get everything right in one exposure. This in mind I'm quite happy with how this shot came out!