Not a lockdown Library image as such but this is over 3 years old and hadn't been touched on the hard drive... apart from liking the actual image, given the current situation we all find ourselves in it seemed very apt to post it now, newer images can maybe wait for a while.
About as an extreme isolation location as you could want, a tiny little Island in a sea loch, with your own Castle to hide away in, away from it all....
This is of course Castle Stalker looking out across the sea to the Isle of Mull, I'd spent several hours along here shooting some fantastic light and had got carried away with the 'golden' images only for this one (from after the sunset) to be completely overlooked, to my mind now I actually prefer this one to the others.
It was freezing cold this February evening and as you can see there wasn't a ripple to be seen which certainly isn't usually the case here, the long exposure being used to take the clouds and really punchy colour right across the sky.
Lots more images on my main website here - regularly updated