A moody overview looking at all the platforms out toward the main railway just South of Manchester Piccadilly. Also a great excuse to get a Joy Division song title into the picture name..
Mayfield, Manchesters' long forgotten station - for as long as I can remember I have wanted to have a look in here, I got the opportunity out of the blue today, finally. It's amazing something of this size and grandeur has been left abandoned for so long, a fire has taken a lot of the old roof away, but a lot of features still remain in situ, a rather eerie feel to the place too, in a huge City, right next to Piccadilly, a seriously busy transport hub, yet here is deserted, overgrown, forgotten... I had no tripod today (lucky I had the camera), and shooting under here was difficult because of the contrasting light, and total lack of light in places, a rare summer sunny day helped in places, yet also hindered in others, all in all it was a quick visit and I'm very happy with what I came away with given the conditions, lack of support, and timescale.