There have been countless occasions while we were on trips, we will drive /hike up to a spectacular location known for its fantastic vistas and find the absolute worst conditions. When I started in photography, these events were a significant cause of frustration for me. Frustration often led m to leave the site without taking any images. Later I learned to adjust my expectations based on the conditions available. But I believe another equally valuable lesson that will help to manage miserable conditions. No matter the conditions, you should stick it out until all possibilities of creating an image are gone. Now, if the conditions pose a danger to your physical safety, then leave. But otherwise, stick it out and try to enjoy your time. Countless times I have seen fellow photogs pack up and go only for the conditions to improve minutes later.
Our trip to the Buck Mesa outlook point in Colorado was one such occasion. The drive to get here was one of the muddiest roads I have had to navigate in the US. So I was disappointed when the valley seemed to be filled with clouds as sunset neared. My initial instinct was to leave, but my wife convinced me to stick around. As we approached evening, intense side light started to peek through the cloud cover and illuminate the mountainside. The contrast between the grey clouds and the beautiful warm light at a location like this created many image opportunities.