Adele Falls South Lawson Waterfall Circuit Lawson, New South Wales
This image was taken during my foray into the Blue Mountains regions two weekends ago. Sydney was experiencing a lot of rain and I thought the waterfalls must be flowing at full capacity. As you can see, I was fairly wrong. Furthermore, the overcast sky that was forecast, turned out to be more of a mostly sunny weather. It was a relief for my fellow hikers, but it was not ideal for photographing waterfalls. In this image, I couldn't use an extra long exposure as there are water continuously dripping off the cliff face and onto my camera. This meant that I had to wipe the lens between every exposure! Plus having learnt the hard way the 5d Mark II's weatherproofing is hopeless. I sure did not want to risk my camera getting water damaged again!
For some reasons, I often find it difficult to get a good composition when photographing in a forest. It could be due to the clutter of foliage that makes getting a clean composition difficult. Images often turn out messy and the subject is often lost in all the different shades of green. Furthermore, lighting is a lot more uneven in the forest. For this image, I was really intrigued by the ferns lining this cliff face and wanted to featured them in the foreground. While using them to lead the viewer's eyes to the trickling Adele falls. I am still having mixed emotion about the composition this image. Feel free to leave your feedback/ comments below. Enjoy!
1 exp shot, Lee 0.9 GND (Hard) filter, edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.