Argentina  » 

San Juan

Nestled between the Andes Mountains and the arid landscapes of western Argentina, San Juan Province emerges as a captivating destination for photographers seeking to capture the diverse beauty of this region. Renowned for its winemaking tradition and striking geological formations, San Juan offers a rich array of photography locations. The Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) showcases otherworldly rock formations and lunar-like landscapes, providing an extraordinary setting for unique and surreal shots. For those enchanted by celestial wonders, the El Leoncito National Park, home to the Astronomical Observatory, offers a clear view of the night sky, providing an excellent opportunity for astrophotography

Cancha de Bochas
Cancha de Bochas
by Jiri Hajek

Very nice stop on the Ischigualasto Provincial Park tour. Would be nice to do it on my own, not as a part of large group, but anyway this is a great place with amazing geological formations!

Memorial Chimborazo
Memorial Chimborazo
by David ruiz luna

Tras realizar la aclimatación completa: Pasocha 4164 m, Pinchincha 4698m e Illiniza Norte 5116m; por fin toca el reto final, subir la cima del Chimborazo 6310m.

Esta es la tercera vez que me aventuraba por encima de los 6000m de altura. Las dos previas sin éxito (Aconcagua e Island Peak).

En esta ocasión, la aclimatación fue muy bien, sin apenas dolor de cabeza. Llegamos por la tarde al Refugio Hermanos Carrel que está a 4800m (la altura del Mont Blanc). Descansamos unas horas antes de la cena y comenzar la aventura de la ascensión.

Justo por detrás del refugio existe este memorial a los alpinistas que intentaron el ascenso y murieron en el intento. Los sentimientos que experimentas cuando visitas un lugar como este son una mezcla entre respeto y repelús. Entre que ya tienes una tensión por la incógnita de si acabarás consiguiendo subir a la cima, de si todo se pondrá bien para conseguir el reto (meteorología y tu propio físico) y encima ves estos recordatorios de gente que murió intentando hacer lo mismo que tu pretendes; pues no es del todo agradable. Sin embargo, no deja de ser un ritual en la mayoría de las montañas, visitar estos memoriales y tener consciencia de la aventura a la que te enfrentas.

Refugio Hermanos Carrel 4800m de altura Riobamba, Guaranda, Ecuador July 2017


E X P L O R E : May 4, 2021 #3

Quito belltowers
Plaza San Francisco, Quito

The belltowers of Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. The left one is the one you climb. Getting even to this height is fun enough,...

Cancha de Bochas,  Ischigualasto Provincial Park
Cancha de Bochas

from archive, July 2007

Las Coloradas
Valle de la Luna

Valle de la Luna - Valley of the Moon Ischigualasto, San Juan, Argentina

Volcán Poás Vista
Poas Volcano Crater Viewpoint
by Kryssia Campos

Main crater at volcán Poás, Costa Rica

Volcán Poás

Considered by most to be one of the most breathtaking sites in the entire country, the Poas Volcano sits high above 14,000 acres (5,666 ha) of various habitats and life zones which make up Poas Volcano National Park (Parque Nacional Volcan Poas). Rising up to 8,885 ft (2,708 m), Poas remains one of Costa Rica's largest and most active volcanoes. This fact alone is enough to attract thousands of visitors per year.

Except for the area around the main caldera, the park is full of dense vegetation and small wildlife. Sightings of the 79 species of birds that have been identified inside the protected zone including the quetzal, emerald toucanet, black guan, sparrow, hummingbird and robin are common. Few large mammals are found inside the park, however, smaller, less conspicuous critters such as marmots, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels, snakes, frogs and a plethora of insects are present. The different zones inside the protected area mainly include cloud forest, mountain rain forest and very humid low mountain forest. Hiking along the Botos Trail you arrive at Botos Lake, a beautiful crater with a diameter of 1,312 ft (400 m) that has a beautiful jade color and is frequented by many of the bird species in the park.

Poas Volcano Crater Viewpoint

Vulcano Poás / Costa Rica

Pampa del Leoncito / Barreal Blanco
by Jiri Hajek

Pampa del Leoncito is a fairly remote location, but it's very worth a visit! From surface of the flatland you have nice views of the nearby mountains.

Afternoons are usually windy here, but mornings are not, which makes them more pleasant for photography.

Quito Panorama
Plaza San Francisco, Quito

Panoramic stitch of 3 portrait format images taken from the belltower of Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. The most comprehensive view of...

Plaza San Francisco, Quito
Plaza San Francisco, Quito

Monestary of San Francisco, on plaza San Francisco. Taken with zoom lens from the belltower of Basilica del Voto Nacional (more about that beast...

Basilica and the sky
Plaza San Francisco, Quito

Quito, Ecuador, Basilica del Voto Nacional, viewed from the grounds.

Heart of the basilica
Plaza San Francisco, Quito

Quito, Ecuador, interior view of the Basilica del Voto Nacional. Handheld shot.


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to San Juan!
Most notably Andrey Sulitskiy, Jiri Hajek and David ruiz luna.