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Bute is a beautiful island located in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. It is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. The island is home to several picturesque villages, historic castles, and stunning beaches, making it a perfect location for photography enthusiasts. The island's rugged coastline, rolling hills, and tranquil lochs offer a diverse range of photography opportunities. Whether you are interested in capturing the island's wildlife, architecture, or natural beauty, Bute has something for everyone. Some of the popular photography locations on the island include Mount Stuart House, Rothesay Castle, Ettrick Bay, and Scalpsie Bay.

Rothesay Castle
Rothesay Castle
by The Jacobite

Rothesay Castle is a ruined castle in Rothesay, the principal town on the Isle of Bute, Scotland. The castle has been described as "one of the most remarkable in Scotland" for its long history dating back to the beginning of the 13th century, and its unusual circular plan.

The castle comprises a huge curtain wall, strengthened by four round towers, together with a 16th-century forework, the whole surrounded by a broad moat. Built by the Stewart family, it survived Norse attacks to become a royal residence. Though falling into ruin after the 17th century, the castle was repaired by the Marquess of Bute before passing into state care in the 20th century.

Mount Stuart
Mount Stuart House

Mount Stuart House on the east coast of the Isle of Bute, Scotland, is a Gothic Revival country house and the ancestral home of the Marquesses of...

Mount Stuart House
Mount Stuart House

Mount Stuart House on the east coast of the Isle of Bute, Scotland, is a Gothic Revival country house and the ancestral home of the Marquesses of...

Kingarth stones

A scene Tolkien himself would be proud of. The Kingarth stones at the edge of the forest emit quite an eerie aura. The stones are located near the...

Mount Stuart House
Mount Stuart House

Mount Stuart House on the east coast of the Isle of Bute, Scotland, is a Gothic Revival country house and the ancestral home of the Marquesses of...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Bute!
Most notably The Jacobite.