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Half Moon Bay State Beach

Half Moon Bay State Beach is a stunning coastal destination located in San Mateo County, California. This picturesque beach is known for its rugged cliffs, pristine sands, and crystal-clear waters, making it a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts and photographers alike. The beach is divided into four distinct areas, each offering unique photography opportunities. The Francis Beach section is perfect for capturing stunning sunsets, while the Venice Beach section is ideal for capturing the rugged coastline and dramatic waves. The Dunes Beach section is a great spot for photographing the sand dunes and the wildlife that inhabits them, and the Roosevelt Beach section is perfect for capturing the iconic Half Moon Bay lighthouse. With its breathtaking scenery and diverse photography locations, Half Moon Bay State Beach is a must-visit destination for any photographer looking to capture the beauty of the California coast.

Seat with a view
by David Hamments

Seat with a view.... overlooking Half Moon Bay, near San Francisco, in southern California.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Half Moon Bay State Beach!
Most notably David Hamments.