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Walden Pond State Reservation

Walden Pond State Reservation is a beautiful natural area located in Concord, Massachusetts. This 335-acre park is famous for its clear, tranquil waters and its connection to the famous American author, Henry David Thoreau. The park offers a variety of recreational activities, including hiking, swimming, and fishing. For photography enthusiasts, Walden Pond State Reservation is a dream location, with its stunning natural beauty and rich history. The park offers many great photography locations, including the Thoreau cabin replica, the Walden Pond beach, and the surrounding woods and trails.

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves...
Walden pond cabin
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Henry David Thoreau.

The man who had the above radical thought once lived in this cabin away from society along with his three chairs (one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society). He once said that the only discomfort he had in such a small cabin was lack of space for thoughts when a visitor came along. I think its this kind of attitude towards life that made him one of my favorite western thinkers.

Political leaders and reformers like Mahatma Gandhi, President John F. Kennedy, civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, and Russian author Leo Tolstoy, all spoke of being strongly affected by Thoreau's work, particularly Civil Disobedience.

The above cabin is an exact replica of Thoreau's cabin which he built while living near the Walden Pond. I sometimes go here for a little walking and took this handheld tone mapped HDR shot of the cabin against the afternoon sun. Off late I have found that HDR tech works very well and gives nice detail to those images which will otherwise be washed out with strong light. The non-HDR shots I took from this spot were washed out of their fall colors by the strong light from the setting sun. But I am really happy the way this shot turned out especially the details in the shadows.

Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature....
Everything is the product of one universal creative effort. There is nothing dead in Nature....
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Seneca

There is a reason why I gave that quote as a title for this picture. The articulated screen on the D5K lets me shoot all kinds of angles with ease and I was in a weird position trying to get this shot as a little girl who was walking along the trail with her mom and dad was watching me curiously.

She asked me why I was taking picture of a dead tree and I was a bit startled and couldn't think of anything to answer her, and for some reason i felt very bad for not having to say anything then (It would have been really cool if I could tell something awesome which will spark an interest for photography in her, instead shes probably gonna grow up thinking photographers are weird).

Even at the expense of sounding like a colossal jackass I wish i could say something philosophical and cool to that li'l girl.

The truth is found when men are free to pursue it....
Walden pond cabin
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt.

I shot this at the Walden pond near Concord, MA during last fall. This is one of my fav location to go for a walk and this cabin is an exact replica of the one Thoreau lived in when he wrote the book, Walden. It was gorgeous fall day but the light was fading quiet fast, This model is located near the car park and as I was getting out of my car I found that no one was around and so I could get an uncluttered shot. www.flickr.com/photos/sanu29/5152422362

I love the color of the leaves around combined with the green ones and the trees on either side which provided me with a natural frame. Normally I don't frame with subject bang in the middle but I think the leading walkway and trees make this shot work. Thank you all for looking, commenting and faving....

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water...
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water...
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Loran Eiseley

I took this picture while I went for walking along the Walden Pond in Concord, MA. The sunlight was tricky that day and I really had a hard time getting the fading fall colors to lit up under sunlight. The light only lasted for a couple of minuted for me to get the trees correctly exposed and the sun was hidden by the clouds soon. I didn't even thin I would post it in Flickr.

I was really happy with the picture when I saw it on my laptop and notice some sparkly white dots on the lake bed which looks like white colored pebbles. Maybe the quote is right, there's real magic in the water.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Walden Pond State Reservation!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas.