

Elvet Bridge
Elvet Bridge
by AlanHowe

Elvet Bridge is a mediaeval masonry arch bridge across the River Wear in the city of Durham, in County Durham, England. It links the peninsula in central Durham and the Elvet area of the city, and is a Grade I listed building. Wikipedia

Ludworth Tower  Taken last year 2019
Ludworth Tower
by AlanHowe

Ludworth Tower, is one of the best-known Pele towers in County Durham. Only a few fragments of this building now survive, as most of it collapsed in 1890 The building was once surrounded by a bank and a ditch, but they are no longer visible. Around the tower are various banks covering fallen walls and foundations.

The cathedral & the puddle ...
The cathedral & the puddle ...

Durham Cathedral ... & the puddle ... After recently taking a similar shot of the Sage theatre reflected in a puddle I was on the lookout for more of...

Durham Cathedral dusk ..
Durham Cathedral dusk ..

As the sunset lit up the sky last night I managed to climb up to the top of Whinney Hill which overlooks Durham City & take this shot of the...


Durham Castle by night. It was minus 6 degrees when I got back to the car, no wonder I couldn't feel my fingers !!! :-)

Exif over there now...

The winter cottage ...
The winter cottage ...

Prebends cottage on a very cold & snowy evening earlier in the year .....

Golden bridge.
Elvet Bridge
by AlanHowe

Browns Rowing Boats Durham

Merry Christmas
Durham in winter ...

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas & a truly happy new year.

A big thank you to all of my Flikr friends both online & in the "real" world for...

Durham Cathedral ...
Durham Cathedral ...

Taken from the choir area , looking down the nave ... A first outing with my new Samyang XP14mm f2.4 lens ..

Durham Cathedral ...
Durham Cathedral ...

Taken on a lovely moonlit night ...

Durham City
Durham City

Durham Castle & Cathedral above the weirs. A quick pop into town last night, just after sundown.

The Bandstand
The Bandstand

Ive always loved this scene in autumn & winter with the bandstand next to the river wear. With the sun setting quite early at this time of year it...

Durham City .The old and the new
Durham City
by AlanHowe

Durham Cathedral. Durham Castle. Lots of new building.The river wear flowing high .

Durham in winter ...
Durham in winter ...

Prebends bridge is a scene I always love to visit & photograph whilst in Durham .. the warm afternoon sunlight was just clipping the tree tops...

Durham Cathedral dusk ..

After a text from my friend Davey, saying "the sky looks quite good tonight", I took one look out of the window... grabbed my gear & sped off to town...

Finchale Priory
Finchale Priory

Known locally as "Finkle Abbey" the site dates from as early as 1196 but didn't become a significant building until the latter half of the 13th...

The bluebell woods ...
The bluebell woods

One from this afternoons wander through the bluebell woods near Durham University ...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Durham!
Most notably AlanHowe.