
Alt Pirineu i Aran

Monestero Lake
Monestero Lake
by Fer_SG

Flickr: https://flic.kr/p/2mhCmUi

Nice lake in "Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes" within the Catalan Pyrenees.

2018 - Taüll (Catalunya) ////
by Joanot Bellver

Església Romànica de Sant Climent de Taüll (Alta Ribagorça) La Vall de Boí, Catalunya ////

Coll del Port (Tuixent)
Coll del Port
by Fer_SG

"Coll del Port" near Tuixent, Pyrenees, Catalonia.

Gerber's Lake at lunchtime (HDR version)
Gerber's Lake
by Fer_SG

Another beautiful lake in "Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes" within the Catalan Pyrenees.

Bellver de Cerdanya
Bellver de Cerdanya
by Enrica Fabriani

Municipio de la comarca de la Cerdanya.

View from Perafita peak, Andorra
View from Perafita peak, Andorra
by StarCitizen

Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley

Els Encantats
Estany Sant Maurici

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Canon 40D Canon 17-40L Heliopan Polarizer

by Enrica Fabriani

Iglesia de Sant Climent de Taüll, en el valle de Boí, provincia de Lleida. Consagrada en el siglo XII se conserva en un perfecto estado, y sus frescos son los más importantes de la zona (actualmente en el MNAC). En el año 2000 fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad junto con el resto de iglesias románicas del valle.

Monestero Lake (HDR - Long Expusure version)
Monestero Lake
by Fer_SG

Nice lake in "Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes" within the Catalan Pyrenees.

Gerber Fall
Gerber Fall
by Fer_SG

Nice fall in "Parc Nacional d'Aigüetortes".

Bellver de Cerdanya
Iglesia de Santa María de Talló
by Enrica Fabriani

Iglesia de Santa María de Talló.

Flowery lake
Monestero Lake
by Fer_SG

Nice view of Monestero Lake.

This panorama is made of three shots. Hugin was used for stretching the panorama with a Biplane projection, while the rest of the job was done with Darktable. A 'Gobe CPL' Polarizer Filter was used.

A scene-referred pipeline was chosen, and a personal Orton effect was applied in the end with few display-scene plugins, blurring a little bit the far mountains.

Estanyola de Gerber
Estanyola de Gerber
by Fer_SG

This is a long exposure shot (15 seconds) processed under the scene-referred paradigm with Darktable from RAW. It was taken with:

  • Haida Neutral filter of 10 steps (3.0 ND)
  • 'Gobe' CPL Polarizer Filter.

You can read additional technical information in my profile (about section).

Villages of another era
Sant Romà de Tavèrnoles
by Fer_SG

An abandoned village on top of a mountain in the Pyrenees.

Almost two hours of intense climbing from the valley.

618 - Uelhs deth Joèu  (II)
Uelhs deth Joèu
by Joanot Bellver

** Uelhs deth Joèu (Bossòst) La Vall d'Aran, Catalunya ////

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No Awards, Please! All right reserved Contact: joanot@cmail.cat **

635 - Uelhs deth Joèu  (Catalunya) ////
Uelhs deth Joèu
by Joanot Bellver

** Uelhs deth Joèu (Bossòst) La Vall d'Aran, Catalunya ////

All my photos in one click - Fluidr - 500px - Recent - Interesting - Random - Sets - Google Plus - Pinterest - Tumblr - Twitter - Explorer - Facebook - My Albums - My collections -

No Awards, Please! All right reserved Contact: joanot@cmail.cat **

Prat de Cadí
Prat de Cadí
by Enrica Fabriani

Extenso prado en la cara norte del Cadí, en el P.N. del Cadí-Moixeró

Bellver de Cerdanya
Bellver de Cerdanya
by Enrica Fabriani

Municipio de la comarca de la Cerdanya.

2017 - Boí (Catalunya) ////
by Joanot Bellver

Església de Sant Joan de Boí (Alta Ribagorça) La Vall de Boí, Catalunya ////

Amanece en el refugi de JM Blanc
Amanece en el refugi de JM Blanc

Canon 40D Canon 17-40L Portafiltros Lee Polarizador Heliopan

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Alt Pirineu i Aran!
Most notably Fer_SG, StarCitizen, Enrica Fabriani and Joanot Bellver.