
Area H (Robson Valley/Canoe)

*** Mt. Robson.. Unconventional View ***
Mt. Robson

Day # 2 of Mount Robson Provincial Park backpacking trip. Getting closer to the giant!

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Mount Robson
Mount Robson from Mumm Peak Trail
by Jiri Hajek

The last photo of the day, as the remaining light nicely illuminated Mount Robson and its glacier.

Emperor Falls
Emperor Falls and Mount Robson

Mount Robson Provincial Park

*** Afternoon Light on Kinney Lake ***
Kinney Lake

After a grueling hike of 16 km from Berg lake early in the morning, we were blessed with the soft afternoon light on Kinney Lake Mount Robson...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Area H (Robson Valley/Canoe)!
Most notably Jiri Hajek.