
Arlington Memorial Bridge

Peace comes from within, Do not seek it without...
Peace comes from within, Do not seek it without...
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha.

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"The Arts of Peace" statue by James Earle Fraser flanks the end of the parkway of the Arlington Memorial Bridge. "Music and Harvest" consists of a winged horse, Pegasus, between a male figure with a bundle of wheat and a sickle and a woman with a harp. The statues, approximately 17 feet tall are of gilded bronze. They were commissioned in 1925, but were not erected until 1951.

I went to the Lincoln memorial early in the morning to avoid the crowds and get the morning light. After I finished with the Lincoln memorial I walked behind to get these statues. The easiest was the Arts of Peace statue and the best factor was that I was alone and had time to frame shot perfectly in glorious morning light. The only missing aspect was that I would have preferred some clouds to make the sky a little more interesting.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Arlington Memorial Bridge!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas.