la basilique St François: accès à la basilique inférieure
Basilica San Felix (Gerona)
Budapest Basilica
Santa Maria de Girona (Gironès) Catalunya ////
The church is named after Saint Stephen I of Hungary, the first King of Hungary (c. 975–1038), whose "incorruptible" right hand is said to be housed in the reliquary. This is the most important church building in Hungary, one of the most significant tourist attractions and the third highest church in Hungary. Equal with the Hungarian Parliament Building, it is one of the two tallest buildings in Budapest at 96 metres (315 ft) - this equation symbolises that worldly and spiritual thinking have the same importance. Current regulations prohibit the construction of any building taller than 96 metres (315 ft) in Budapest.
Information taken from wikipedia
View from the Piazza Venezia Rome.
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Europe - Italy - Italia - Umbria Region -...
I do remember the pain to be down on the ground without tripod taking the picture of this fabulous basilica.
UNESCO : Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites Date of Inscription: 2000 Criteria: (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi)
The belltowers of Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. The left one is the one you climb. Getting even to this height is fun enough,...
Architectural detail from the main square (Plaza de Armas) of Trujillo, Peru.
The main city square, Plaza de Armas, in Trujillo, Peru, in the late afternoon with the Cathedral in the background. The shiny pavement is as...
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20170723_Italie zomer 2017_191
St Stephens Basilica Budapest
Budapest I Hungary
The church is named after Saint Stephen I of Hungary, the first King of Hungary (c. 975–1038), whose "incorruptible" right hand is said to be housed in the reliquary. This is the most important church building in Hungary, one of the most significant tourist attractions and the third highest church in Hungary. Equal with the Hungarian Parliament Building, it is one of the two tallest buildings in Budapest at 96 metres (315 ft) - this equation symbolises that worldly and spiritual thinking have the same importance. Current regulations prohibit the construction of any building taller than 96 metres (315 ft) in Budapest.
Information taken from wikipedia
La basílica de Santa María la Real es un templo religioso de culto católico situado en Covadonga, Principado de Asturias (España), declarado basílica menor el 11 de septiembre de 1901. El templo fue ideado por Roberto Frassinelli y levantado entre 1877 y 1901 por el arquitecto Federico Aparici y Soriano, de estilo neorrománico, construido íntegramente en piedra caliza rosa.
A view, looking North from the Piazza Santa Chiara, over the lovely Umbrian city of Assisi and the church of Santa Maria Maggiore.
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Europe - Italy - Italia - Umbria Region -...
St. Stephen's Basilica is a Roman Catholic basilica in Budapest, Hungary. It is named in honour of Stephen, the first King of Hungary (c 975–1038),...
UNESCO : Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites Date of Inscription: 2000 Criteria: (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi)
Monestary of San Francisco, on plaza San Francisco. Taken with zoom lens from the belltower of Basilica del Voto Nacional (more about that beast...
Quito, Ecuador, interior view of the Basilica del Voto Nacional. Handheld shot.
Budapest I Hungary
Superbe cathédralesur la plave d'armes...malheureusement, beaucoup de monde, pas de trépied donc photos perfectibles.....
St Stephens Basilica Stairs
Pelayo, Pelagius en latín y Belai al-Rumi en árabe (f. Cangas de Onís, 737) fue el primer monarca del reino de Asturias, que rigió durante 19 años hasta su muerte. La historiografía moderna no alberga duda sobre su existencia histórica real y aunque su origen aún sigue siendo controvertido la mayor parte se inclina por asignarle un origen astur. Frenó la expansión de los musulmanes hacia el norte, comenzó la "Reconquista" y se le ha considerado tradicionalmente como el fundador del Regnum Asturorum, a la postre la España católica.
thank you all very much for your faves and comments!
Gondola on a Venetian canal
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Europe - Italy - Italia - Umbria Region -...
UNESCO : Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites Date of Inscription: 2000 Criteria: (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi)
Panoramic stitch of 3 portrait format images taken from the belltower of Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador. The most comprehensive view of...
Quito, Ecuador, Basilica del Voto Nacional, viewed from the grounds.
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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Basílica!
Most notably Mario Calma, Jean François Bonachera and angel.