
Birnbeck Pier

Victorian Sundown
Victorian Sundown
by Pete Rowbottom

Explore #3 - 30/05/17

On the way down to Cornwall I decided to try and break the journey up by rail and was looking for a place to spend the night and get a few shots, Weston-Super-Mare was the place I decided to stop the night as there was a shot I wanted to try and get at Knightstone Marina at high tide. As it happens that didn't work out as at high tide it was lashing it down, absolutely no chance of a shot at all.

After spending most of the day getting soaked in Weston, and realising exactly why £1 umbrellas are £1 (lasted all of 5 minutes before turning into a ball of metal and material! - whizzed it into a skip) visited a couple of pubs lugging the stuff around to keep out of the rain I decided to have a go at sunset as it looked to be easing up about 7pm.

A rejig of the plans and the closed Birnbeck Pier was chosen for tonights shoot looking out to South Wales across the Bristol channel, having never been there before I didn't know what to expect or where to shoot from so it was just a case of rocking up and seeing what was what, if there was to be decent a sunset, the sun should by my reckoning be right over the old pier.

You can never predict how things are going to go but again a truly featureless grey rainy horrible day thankfully turned into a superb sunset from nowhere, instead of going for the side view I decided to go straight into the sun to try and catch the sun on the old timberwork and pick out the detail of the crumbling metalwork on the right (see collapsed section) The exposure balancing was a challenge to say the least. If you click on the image you can see the state it is in a lot clearer..

The Pier, built in 1867, shut to the public in 1994 and has been the subject of several failed attempts to restore it, it now lies fenced off and in a bad way as you can see from the illuminated boardwalk, the little building on the left was an RNLI lifeboat station, again abandoned due to safety issues and moved closer into the town at a temporary base.

Nobody knows what the future holds for the Pier but it doesn't look good, just glad I managed to get a shot of it for the record.

More info can be found here along with info on the people who are trying to save it for future generations:


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The Ruins of Birnbeck Pier at Sunset, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset
Victorian Sundown

Taken on my World Tour of the UK last July and August, this wonderful old pier (which incidentally happens to be the only pier to link an island to...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Birnbeck Pier!
Most notably Pete Rowbottom.