
Blue Mesa

Blue Mesa Sunset- Petrified Forest National Park.
Blue Mesa / Petrified Forest National Park
by Andrew Kearns

This is the view right off the Blue Mesa ring road -looking east over the expansion lands. I shot this on a Canon 5D mk2 with a super sharp Zeiss 50mm Makro Planar. 8 vertical shots stitched together to make a 1Gig file that I can print 24" by 60" at 300DPI and still retain great detail. This looks way better on Moab Somerset Museum Rag than it does on the Web. I spent a week in the park shooting at sunrise and sunset (working for the park). The park closes at those times of the day so I had the whole place to myself. I gave all my images to the Park Service to use to promote the park. It's an awesome place.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Blue Mesa!
Most notably Andrew Kearns.