
Buncombe County

Highland Eden
Craggy Dome Scenic Overlook
by Michael Kight

Sometimes, the most beautiful gardens are those that God Himself prunes… perhaps that makes us all “gardens”.

I haven’t been as attentive here on Flickr over the last couple of months as Joyce and I have spent an inordinate amount of time and effort to help kick off the Alpha Marriage Course from our church. That included preparing for and cooking dinner each week for upwards of 50 adults. While I love to cook, that’s been a huge undertaking each week… but it has been well worth the effort.

You can find information concerning the course here: us.alphausa.org/Groups/1000056818/The_Marriage_Course.asp... If there is such a course near you, please check it out. Here’s how I presented it to our church so that others could help to facilitate it: There were times during Jesus’ earthly ministry that He told those He had miraculously healed to spread the news… but there were other times, like when He healed the leper as described in Mark 1:40-45, that He instructed him to tell no one. There was a reason why He did that, yet in my mind, He knows exactly who we are, right down to the core… He knew there was no way the leper would keep that secret.

There are two ways to keep secrets that I know of: either tell no one your secret, or tell everyone, then tell them you were kidding… but what do you do when you have the best kept secret that you never wanted to be secret in the first place? Pastor Dave Dunderdale has spoken of it to the congregation… Margaret Frothingham highlights it from the pulpit during announcements… we all have talked to others about it… it’s been printed in the bulletin every week. We’ve done just about everything short of shouting from the mountaintops, yet we’ve been told more than once by those who just happen by on Thursday nights that “This is the best kept secret!” By now you should be on the edge seat, “For crying out loud, what’s the secret already?” It’s the Alpha Marriage Course.

The Alpha Marriage Course (AMC), which has been presented here each Thursday since January 21, is nearing its completion of an eight-week run… and what a run it’s been. Each week, we hear nothing but positive feedback from the participants, and blah, blah, blah. I know that’s what you’re thinking, “Marriage course, who needs it?!!” That’s what I thought too at first. This isn’t a “marriage encounter” where all concerned discuss their shortcomings and foibles to the group… it’s likened to a car that, after so many miles, could use a tune-up. AMC is a well thought out, highly enjoyable, as well as challenging video course which is ethically Christian-centered, yet open for all couples who have been married for at least one year, Christian or not. It is presented by dedicated facilitators who help set the mood and the timing. Our fellowship hall is not-so-magically transformed into a romantic setting reminiscent of an intimate restaurant. A sumptuous meal is provided, as well as child care, giving the participants every incentive to be there. Each couple has their own space for discussion of the topics… and it can easily stay between them, though in many ways, it’s evident that they can be much like Jesus’ enthusiastic friend in Mark 1… they’re telling everyone in earshot. AMC challenges each couple to understand each other in new and eye-opening ways, allowing a depth to their marriage that they had difficulty in finding on their own… and it shows.

This image is from the Blue Ridge Parkway across from Burnette Reservoir there in the distance. Catawba rhododendron pop here in early summer, largely because the moisture-laden sky often drops down among them such as you see here. To me, such places have healing qualities of their own.

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina
Craggy Dome Scenic Overlook

Lady of the Valley - Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

Pink mountain laurel flowers blooming along the Blue Ridge...

Asheville North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Scenic Sunset
Craggy Dome Overlook

Sanguine Sunset - Asheville North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Scenic Sunset

I was lucky enough to witness this spectacular sunset while out shooting...

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC Outdoor Landscape
Blue Ridge Parkway

Where My Heart Belongs - North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC Outdoor Mountains Landscape

There's nothing quite like being in North...

Evening at the Walled Garden
Evening at the Walled Garden
by Michael Kight

For those of you unfamiliar with Biltmore Estate, I thought you might like to see from where I got the last two images. The low sun of early evening accentuates the brilliance of the tulips in just a portion of the main section of the Walled Garden. Biltmore's website boasts of over 72,000 tulips here... I only counted 71,999. I should feel shortchanged... what do you think?

Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina
Craggy Dome Scenic Overlook

Sanctuary - Asheville NC Blue Ridge Parkway Spring Flowers North Carolina

Mountain laurel flowers and dappled sunlight on the ridges near Craggy...

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Craggy Gardens NC
Craggy Dome Overlook

Blue Ridge Sunset - North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Craggy Gardens NC

It's so good to be back out in the field shooting the spring bloom...

Blue Ridge Parkway North Carolina Mountain Landscape Asheville NC
Blue Ridge Parkway

Another Day In Paradise - Blue Ridge Parkway North Carolina Mountain Landscape Asheville NC

A beautiful summer evening along the Blue Ridge Parkway...

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Photography Asheville NC
Craggy Dome Scenic Overlook

Daybreak - North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Landscape Photography Asheville NC

A beautiful summer morning sunrise over the spring mountain laurel...

Asheville North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Scenic Landscape
Craggy Dome Scenic Overlook

Rainbows and Rhododendron - Asheville North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Scenic Landscape

I was lucky enough to witness a double rainbow in some...

North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville Nc Landscape
Blue Ridge Parkway

View From Above - North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway Asheville NC Landscape

Morning sunlight burns off the fog at Craggy Gardens along the Blue Ridge...

Asheville, NC City Skyline at Night

Downtown Asheville NC city skyline at night. I love the mountains towering over the city when shot from this angle. The tall mountain to the left...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Buncombe County!
Most notably Michael Kight.