
Camino Valle de Bujaruelo

Bujaruelo Valley
Bujaruelo Valley
by David ruiz luna

To choose my best photo of this year is not easy task. Finally, I've chosen this photography for the group 'Your Best Shot 2017'.

This photo was taken in Bujaruelo Valley, close to the refuge with the same name. This place is located on the Ordesa Valley, Huesca, Spain.

If you want to follow my recent pictures you can see them on the following platform webs:


FRONT COVER of the Land of Landscapes Magazine, February 2018

FRONT PAGE of Perfection In Pictures, March 2018

~Admin Pick of the Day~ ~Witness The Emerging Spirit~, April 2018

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Camino Valle de Bujaruelo!
Most notably David ruiz luna.