

If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees…
White Sands
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Khalil Gibran.

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Another one of my attempts at minimalist photography from White Sands National Park. The most complex challenge was to isolate interesting elements into an exciting composition. Since we visited during a time of unusually calm winds at the park finding unspoiled dunes was quite tricky. Another realization I had when hunting for unspoiled dunes is that you have to be careful of where you step as a couple of times, my footprints ended up spoiling a couple of good compositions.

Deventer evening
Deventer evening
by Adelheid Smitt

Another blue hour view of my home town, but from a slightly different perspective.

Deventer skyline in Blue
Deventer evening
by Adelheid Smitt

The church of Deventer and the houses along the river front always make for a great photo I think.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Camping!
Most notably Adelheid Smitt and Sandeep Thomas.