

Teatro Nacional at Blue Hour
Teatro Nacional at Blue Hour

The National Theatre of Costa Rica (Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica) is the national theatre of Costa Rica; a theatre located in the central section of...

Gothic ceiling
Cathedral de Santa Maria de Girona

Gothic ceiling of the cathedral Santa Maria in Girona, Catalonia, Spain.

Catedral de São Pedro de Alcântara
Catedral de São Pedro de Alcântara

Inaugurada em 29 de novembro de 1925

Cathedral de Santa Maria de Girona
Cathedral de Santa Maria de Girona

View on the Cathedral of Santa Maria in Girona, Spain. Those stairs were used in Games of Throne.

La Iglesia del Cristo
La Iglesia del Cristo

Es una cripta situada debajo de la catedral gótica de Santander. Está presidida por un gran crucifijo en madera policromada de escuela castellana. La...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Catedral!
Most notably Andrey Sulitskiy.