
Clearwater County

Ice Bubbles
Abraham Lake Bubbles
by Yi Jiang

Abraham Lake, AB

Space Time Bubbles
Abraham Lake Bubbles

Well, I've had enough of doom-and-gloom for a bit. So I'm not gonna say anything about you-know-what today. Instead we go back to more ice abstracts,...

Abraham Lake Bubbles

Ice bubbles at Abraham Lake from the new year. I got the chance to photograph them before the snow storm hit the area and ice surface was mostly...

Abraham Lake
Abraham Lake Bubbles
by David Wirzba

Abraham Lake in Alberta is well known for these ice bubbles that occur every winter. The plant material at the bottom of the lake produces methane gas which then freezes in the ice.

Bubble Heaven

A sneak Peek from today's scouting around Abraham Lake. It is my third visit to this place. This year bubbles were the most beautiful that I've shot...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Clearwater County!
Most notably Yi Jiang.