

Lincoln Park Lagoon
by Nenad Spasojevic

Is it time to say goodbye? It feels like it slowly coming to an end. I really did enjoy it. This is the last bit of ice I was trying catch just a few day back….. I’m slowly getting excited about spring and a change on the horizon. How do you feel?

Lincoln Park Lagoon
by Nenad Spasojevic

Have you chase down any storms this season. After a long week of storms I ventured out with a few friends hoping to get some morning sunshine trough a thick layer of clouds. That never happened unfortunately but the light and atmosphere before and after the sunrise that day were outstanding. This is a shot 45 minutes before the sunrise overlooking the South Lagoon. What do you think?

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Diversey!
Most notably Nenad Spasojevic.