Spain  » 

Geres-Xures Biosphere Reserve

Geres-Xures Biosphere Reserve is a stunning natural reserve located in the northwest of Spain, bordering Portugal. This reserve is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including endangered species such as the Iberian wolf and the Spanish imperial eagle. The reserve is also a popular destination for photographers, with its breathtaking landscapes, waterfalls, and wildlife providing endless opportunities for capturing stunning images. Some of the most popular photography locations in Geres-Xures Biosphere Reserve include the Sanabria Lake, the Rio Tamega, and the Sierra de la Culebra mountain range.

Igrexia de Santa Comba de Bande
Igrexia de Santa Comba de Bande

Santa Comba de Bande é unha pequena igrexa construída durante segunda metade do Século VII no estilo arquitectónico visigodo vixente no sul-oeste da...