

Granton Harbour
by Damon Finlay

Following the curve round to the end of the sea wall.

Lost at sea
Old Pier
by Pete Rowbottom

It's been a good while since I've had chance to go for such a minimal composition like this, but being in the area up here for Hogmanay (New Year in Scotland) there were a couple of locations nearby that I wanted to revisit if possible, and this was a new one for me, so the camera bag and stuff mysteriously found its way into the car...(fancy that).

The weather had been really odd with heavy snow on the way up, followed by full sun, then just to keep it random, sun with a good old huge hailstorm thrown in for good measure... That same evening I'd gone to Cramond for sunset but didn't even bother getting the camera out as the light was so poor.

This was the morning afterwards and the weather again had been pretty awful with rain and just the odd sunny spell, the hard part here was actually finding this battered old pier, a bit of driving about and ruling places out I eventually spotted it and it's a good old walk along a long uneven and rather slippy breakwater, at least it wasn't raining...

Just before the end of the walk it started to rain, you just knew it would, nothing surer! right at the end of the extremely exposed breakwater is somekind of old outbuilding though then a sheer drop into the sea, although you can't get in or under the building the rain was coming in from the left so I just set up at the right of it to try and sheild the camera lens whilst trying to keep it at the right height so as not to mix the subject with the background , the rain actually worked in my favour for once as the low rain clouds and fog passing over Fife in the distance just make it even more minimal and allowed a longer exposure where I didn't need to use any grads as the storm acted as one.

Amazingly not one rainspot on the glass either even though the camera was covered in them, and it stopped raining for me to walk back along the breakwater, that never happens! Maybe my luck is changing... but I won't hold my breath.

The Forth Bridge can be seen off to the left hand side of the frame.

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Granton Gasometer
Granton Gasometer

A monochrome conversion of a long exposure of the gasometer at Granton, Edinburgh.

Granton Harbour Sunset
Granton Harbour

A view looking along the far reach of the Granton Harbour wall in the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh, Scotland. The top of the distinctive Forth...

Sail boats in the sun
Granton Harbour
by Damon Finlay

Granton Harbour, or do they call it Granton Marina now, I'll need to check!

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Granton!
Most notably Damon Finlay and Pete Rowbottom.