

Freezing cold sunrise @ Maas, Grave
Freezing cold sunrise @ Maas, Grave
by Henk Verheyen

This morning another beautiful sunrise on this freezing cold morning. I first had to go to the Maas to capture this beauty! River Maas in Grave, the Netherlands

Sunrise @ Maas - Grave (NL)
Freezing cold sunrise @ Maas, Grave
by Henk Verheyen

Sunrise @ Maas - Grave (the Netherlands)

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Winter wonderland Grave - Netherlands
Winter wonderland Grave - Netherlands
by Henk Verheyen

Winter with fresh snow gives the ultimate winter landscape photos. In the Netherlands there is only occasional snow and usually it is gone within a few moments. On December 10, there was once again a lot of snow for Dutch standards. So with the camera I walked around Grave (small village in North Brabant, the Netherlands) and took some pictures along the river Raam

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Grave!
Most notably Henk Verheyen.