l'église San Quilicu (saint Cyr)...classée pour son intérieur, elle recèle de nombreux trésors (2 tableaux, autel, chaire...)
...toujours sur l'ile de la Pietra..
L’intérieur de l'église St Michel
...vision drama, ce ce lieu d’exception...
Une belle surprise m'attendait, en arrivant sur le site ou était Mathulak(au fond à gauche sur un rocher): ces tapis de fruits avec ce dernier rayon. la griffe de sorcière fleurit en mai-juin et forme un fruit par la suite .
vue sur le village de Castellare di Casinca et l'ile d'Elbe
Lens: 27mm
....qui s'enflamme
la fontaine la plus imposante de Corse!
PS: le 28 octobre, il y avait encore des gens qui se baignaient!
Dans les pozzine
Les bergeries (inoccupées) d'Alzeta, le long du GR 20.
Grand-angle: 24mm Depuis les parkings au bord de la route, descendre jusqu'à la rivière. Elle offre de nombreux spots avec rochers et piscines naturelles.
Winter holds his grip on germany. So it's time to remember warmer days as here in corsica. This is Galeria beach, which I showed you from the other side already. It's a pebble beach and the walk across it is really stearnous since you sinc in between the small pebbles. That's also why for sunset we stayed on the other side which has some equally beautiful views.
This photo I took during midday. It is told that this is the worst time to take landscape photos and mostly this is true. But put some clouds in the sky and some colorfull rocks into the foreground, the blue sea to the right and mountains in the background it's not too bad though ;-)
I used some exposure blending here to deal with dyn range and also the magic hand technique to remove flares. Shooting in the direction of the sun during midday isn't all to easy.
Église de l'Annonciation
Caractéristique, avec, à coté du clocher, cet énorme rocher: a Tozza!
Le lac
Another one fromt he beautiful Galeria beach. Those sandstone rocks were just great for photography.
I used a lee 0.6 soft + hard gnd here to balance the exposure. It was already quite dark, much darker than in the image here. This is over 100 seconds of exposure, I already needed my head-torch. But the colors were still so beautiful and vibrant and the long exposure emphasized those even more. All got a nice glow.
If you're interested in how I process photos like this -> Start2Finish Post Processing Tutorial
Dans les pozzine
L'oratoire St Pierre, situé au col du même nom.
...citadella di Corti!
abside arrière
The lighthouses of Bastia.
chargé d'histoire (cf. photo suivante)
Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Haute-Corse!
Most notably Jean François Bonachera, SIMON Hervé and Michael.