
Heol Calch

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf in the Autumn - Explored 181015
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

I'd noticed the slow swirl when I visited last winter, and wondered what would happen when the Autumn leaves fell into the water. This is the result, hope you like it. Thanks very much to everyone, particularly those who have taken the time to comment and 'Fave'.

Brecon Beacons
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Graham Morris

ain't got a clue what its called!

Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

Here's another from my recent trip to the Brecons. Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan has to be one of my favourite waterfalls, and I was lucky enough to be able to pay a return visit at my favourite time of year - early Autumn. The leaves are beginning to change colour and fall into the river, swirling around in the water and sometimes collecting on the rocks.

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf in autumn colours
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

There are few benefits of dismal grey damp winter weather - but at least it gives you the chance to have a second look at the archives. Every now and again there is the chance of coming across something previously overlooked, like this one. This is the rather lovely waterfall of Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf in the Brecon Beacons of Wales, caught in early autumn colours.

Autumn Falls II
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons

Made another trip to the Brecon Beacons last week for the falls at Autumn.

Sgwd Ddwli is somewhere I could spend days at photographing, but I did...

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

The second shot from a memorable day in Welsh Waterfall country that hopefully shows why this a location I keep returning to.

This is Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan in the southern part of the Brecon Beacons, Wales.

Again the Afon Nedd Fechan is flowing more or less north to south at this point, which means at certain times of the day the sun will be shining up the valley and onto the falls. The effect I was looking for was the sun lighting up the spray from the falls. These falls do kick out quite a lot of spray, and so the effect was quite pronounced.

Hope you like it.

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

Another shot from a memorable day in Welsh Waterfall country, one of my favourite places of escape.

This is Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan in the southern part of the Brecon Beacons, Wales.

The low sun was shining up the valley and onto the falls lighting up the swirl in the river, and the falls themselves.

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

This is one of my favourite places, Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan on the south side of the Brecon Beacons in Wales. One of the challenges with going back to photograph a favourite place is trying to get a new angle on it, otherwise it will simply be repeating what you did last time. I haven't been here for a couple of years, and it was fascinating to see how things have changed such as new trees, and the shape of the river bed. It also helped that the light was much better than the dark and damp conditions I experienced last time. Hope you like it - I know I enjoyed being there.

Sgwd Ddwli Isaf (lower) B&W
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

I had taken a chance going down to Pontneddfechan, hoping to catch the waterfalls in autumnal raiment before the forecast storms blew all the leaves off. The promised 'Sunshine and showers' turned out to be 'Drizzle and downpours', so it was a real struggle trying to keep the rain and the spray off the lens. By the time I got to this waterfall, my mood was as black as this picture.
I had planned to go with Mark W, but he had to cancel due to more pressing matters. I reported back that he probably hadn't missed much and I grumbled about everything getting soaked. He offered a solution that was both simple and a complete anathema to a Goretex wearing outdoor type like me - an umbrella.

Early Autumn Falls
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons

From a trip last week to Sgwd Ddwli, I went for a walk in the sun with the GF but also took the camera for early autumn colours.

I wouldn't normally...

Waterfall Country
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan has to be one of my favourite waterfalls, and I was lucky enough to be able to pay a return visit at my favourite time of year - early Autumn.

Farewell Autumn
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

I failed miserably to get to Waterfall Country to capture the Autumnal colours this year, so I've dug one out from last year. This is one of my favourite places, Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf on the Afon Nedd Fechan on the south side of the Brecon Beacons in Wales.
Along with the usual trials and tribulations involved in landscape photography I also had to put up with my small dog fretting about me standing in the middle of a river while I was trying to get this shot. To be fair, he did have a point, on a previous visit to the area I managed to drown a camera when the tripod tipped over into the water....

Sqwd Dwili Uchaf (Upper Gushing Falls)
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Richard Down

Lots of foam and spray on the Nedd Fechan after heavy rain.

Under the falls
Sgwd Ddwli, Brecon Beacons
by Clive Griffiths

Hello again.

I know you will be disappointed that I haven't posted a shot of a tree at Croome, but I hope you won't mind a waterfall pic from the archives. :0))

This is Sgwd Ddwli Uchaf in waterfall country in South Wales, taken in early autumn.

Hopefully will be able to stray a bit further than Worcestershire in the not too distant future.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Heol Calch!
Most notably Clive Griffiths, Graham Morris and Richard Down.