
Hotel d'Hane-Steenhuyse

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VI
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse III
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse II
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse V
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse I
Majestic d'Hane Steenhuyse VII
by Alec Lux

Not that long ago, city Ghent openend a new culutural attraction, Hotel d'Hane Steenhuyse. I saw the opening of it on TV, wowww, what an excellent location. This is something I don't have yet in my gallery. Let's try to get some shots of it. I think it has been the most difficult location I ever shot. For 2 reasons, nothing is straight in this building, and it was full of visitors. I took many HDR shots of every interesting room. Just to remove the visitors and blend the different parts of it. Framing it has been very difficult. But here is the result.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Hotel d'Hane-Steenhuyse!
Most notably Alec Lux.