

Morning prayer
Church Near Akranes
by Pete Rowbottom

Explore #2 12/11/16

The first of my images from a trip to the amazing island of Iceland, a lone church basks in the first light of the day just before the sun comes over the tops of the mountains in hvalfjardarsveit, looking over the Hvalfjörður Fjord, in Iceland.

A big thanks to Nick Green for this location as I'd seen his excellent black and white shots of the dilapidated farm barns near to here and inquired as to the whereabouts of them and he duly obliged, although we saw the barns I wanted to shoot the church as I hadn't got a decent shot of one at that point.

Very nearly missed this as well as when we exited the rather long Hvalfjörður Tunnel the plan for the day was to turn right and head North on the more direct route and I wasn't 100% sure we were in the right place, I just spotted this at the very last minute as we turned right and after a quick spin around & little while working out how on earth to get to it I was set up to shoot the only colourful warm sunrise of the trip.

As we set up here 3 rather big barking dogs came bounding over the fields towards us out of a nearby farm, thankfully they were very friendly, no doubt curious as to what 4 people were doing walking around carrying strange 3 legged metal things in their field....

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Church Near Akranes
Church Near Akranes

We found this beautiful church while driving from Reykjavik to Akranes. Every church we saw outside Reykjavik served the people of a small community of less than 100 people. Seems like the community's cemetery is located in the church grounds!!!

by Matt Champlin
Iceland 2016
by Christian Barret

Escapade de 10 jours en Islande mars 2016

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Hvalfjarðarsveit!
Most notably Pete Rowbottom, MURALI NARAYANAN and Christian Barret.