
Keystone Arch

Keystone Arch- Petrified Forest National Park
Keystone Arch- Petrified Forest National Park
by Andrew Kearns

Keystone Arch is about 200 yards off the road on Blue Mesa in Petrified Forest National Park. Most people don't leave the road. It's difficult to photograph because it's arch is pretty low to the ground. I had to take this shot lying on stomach with my tripod set as low as it could go. I wanted to highlight the arch by showing some of the light from the setting sun through it. I took 5 vertical shots with my 24mm Tilt Shift lens set at 2 degrees of downward tilt to get the foreground sharp. F11 for 2 seconds at ISO 50 with a 2 stop ND to hold the sky.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Keystone Arch!
Most notably Andrew Kearns.