
La Axarquía

Panoramica sulla spiaggia di Rincòn del la Victoria - Malaga
Panoramica sulla spiaggia di Rincòn del la Victoria - Malaga
by Matteo Rinaldi

Panoramica di 5 scatti: Canon 6D # 24mm F/1.4 # 1" # F/14 # ISO 100 # GND Lee 0.6 hard

Comares - Andalusie, Spain
Comares - Andalusie, Spain
by Henk Verheyen

One of the highest pueblo blancos in Andalucía (739 metres above sea level), Comares can be spied for miles around, rising high above the surrounding countryside and resembling a natural extension to the craggy rock face.

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to La Axarquía!
Most notably Matteo Rinaldi, Juan Mercader and Henk Verheyen.