

Winskill Sunset
Winskill Sunset

A portrait version of the lone tree at sunset taken from a slightly different angle and zoomed in a little more than the landscape version to retain...

lone Tree

Winskill - Sunset at Winskill Stones with the lone hawthorn tree and limestone just catching the warm light of the setting sun.

Winskill Stones,...

The Lonesome Tree
The Lonesome Tree

A lone tree on the craggy moorsides above Langcliffe.

Erratic Glow
Erratic Glow

A glacial erratic which was deposited in a way which nicely counterbalances the landscape of Ribblesdale with warm sunset tones.

Winskill Sunset
by Pete Rowbottom

Another image from the recent visit to North Yorkshire, the very last of the direct light before the sun dips below the horizon, this was taken not long after the last posted image and from the opposite side with the sun in front instead of behind, this was the exact image I was after here and I had to work pretty quickly, I'd already managed one shot with the sun bursting through the center of the tree which was decent but I much prefer this one , literally had about a minute to change spots, frame it up and check it again before shooting, moments later the sun had gone and the tree was left in darkness.

It always amazes me how quick the sun seems to dissapear once it has got really low in the sky, an hour before when it is a lot higher it seems to be making no progress at all when you are waiting, but when you are up against it trying to get the image you want it seems to vanish ten times quicker.....

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The Lonesome Tree
by Pete Rowbottom

This is the last of my images from a recent quite fruitful trip to North Yorkshire, same day, different tree..

Spotted this one located in a hillside amongst the (what I presume) are glacial erratic boulders, I wanted the try and shoot this and include the snow covered Ingleborough if possible, which is what you see here.

Again another black and white image, although the colour version is nice enough removing it for me just adds to the stark feel of the lone tree without it's leaves taking everything the weather can throw at it year after year. Somehow always holding on.

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Last rays
lone Tree

Last rays - A winter's evening at Winskill Stones as the last rays of the day catch the top of the limestone pavement, with the shadows enveloping...

Winskill Sunset
Winskill Sunset

This is a location that never seems to disappoint, I don't know why but sunsets always seem to be colourful whenever I go there. Winskill is known...

Yorkshire Dales
Winskill. Yorkshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales - A classic Yorkshire Dales view of limestone and hills with a distant Ingleborough visible on the horizon. Winskill, Yorkshire...

Golden evening
lone Tree
by Pete Rowbottom

An impromptu visit yesterday to North Yorkshire, on the spur of the moment I decided to go and shoot sunset at Batty Moss viaduct, Ribblehead, got up there at Midday to scout it out and after slipping around on ice for a bit decided to come back about 3pm, in the meantime I headed off to Winskill above Settle to scout out this lone tree I'd wanted to shoot for a while, finding it was pretty easy and managed a few long exposure shots before heading off again. I couldn't help noticing on the map just how close I was to one of my favourite places, Malham, so I headed off there, even further away from Ribblehead.. after numerous hours standing in Janets Foss waterfalls (which is quite dark under the trees) with my wellies on I realised that some lovely golden light was just starting to occur, looking at my watch there was no way I was going to make Ribblehead in about 30 minutes, 'photograhers panic' started to set in as the light was now getting really good and I had nowhere to shoot sunset....

Driving in the car looking for somewhere it dawned on me I had the ideal place, the tree where I had been earlier was perfectly placed and should catch a lot of the light in the direct path of the setting sun. In my panic I had forgotten my cable release and also my big jacket so it was absolutely freezing and had to hope my shots would be sharp using the shutter button, thankfully no worries there.

So for a location I hadn't been to before I ended up back there twice in one day, so glad I did too as the light was just immense, managed about 5 or 6 decent shots from here at different angles, this being one of my favourites about 15 minutes before the sun dipped below the horizon, the gnarly trunk of the tree glowing in the light and the limestone pavement basking in gold hues.

Sometimes things don't go to plan, but that's not always a bad thing,

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lone Tree

Majestic - Sunset at Winskill Stones as the last rays of the day clip the top of the limestone pavement, meanwhile the iconic lone hawthorn presides...

Summer's End at Winskill
Winskill Sunset

The last sunset of summer 2019 from Winskill in the Yorkshire Dales was a beautiful one, as can be seen here, with the sun reaching out with all its...

Sublime Sunset
Winskill Sunset

It was another stunning sunset above Langcliffe In the Yorkshire Dales tonight, this location never seems to let us down.

Lime Kilns
Lime Kilns

The lime kilns at Stainforth, North Yorkshire. The most incredible structure and unless you're in the know (like my brother!) you'd just drive past...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Langcliffe!
Most notably Pete Rowbottom and Carl Wilson.