

Trouble springs from idleness, and grievous toil from needless ease...[explored]
Portland Head Light
by Sandeep Thomas

-Benjamin Franklin.

Portland Head Light is a historic lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth, Maine that sits at the entrance of the shipping channel into Casco Bay. The headlight was the first built by the United States government, and is now a part of Fort Williams Park.

As one of the most photographed lighthouses in the US I was very eager to get this one right. Also one fellow photographer I me while at Annisquam Light told me that the Portland Head light ticks all the boxes to be a perfect lighthouse shot. I have a couple of more interesting shots and I will post them as get the time.

Portland Head Light
Portland Head Light

Taken before sunset, the stains in the sky are dissipating clouds, maybe I should have erased them, they tend to appear like imperfections.

Canal House
Street focus

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A nice view with a great reflection of the church in the water. I got some cool cloud formations...

Sunrise at the Old Scituate Lighthouse
Sunrise at the Old Scituate Lighthouse

Ah, the Old Scituate Lighthouse. A favorite subject of mine, Moe, Jason, Rich and I decided to get together for a colorless sunrise shoot. Well, we...

Portland Head Light
Portland Head Light

Portland Head Light, located in Cape Elizabeth is another wonderful lighthouse in Maine and it is the most photographed lighthouse in North America....

Fiery Lighthouse
Portland Head Light

Another sunset shot from Portland Head Light with Rich and Brian. This was a few minutes before this one. Some warm light was still available for a...

Portland Head Light Sunset
Portland Head Light

Sunset at Portland Head Light with Rich and Brian. The day ended about 12 hours after we left Boston.

Larger On Black


North Point Light Milwaukee
North Point Light Milwaukee

The North Point Light is a lighthouse located in Lake Park on the East Side of Milwaukee in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States.

Sunset at Portland Head Light no. 2
Sunset at Portland Head Light

What the hell, why not put up another shot from this shoot from this past weekend?

After I set up the previous comp, I moved closer to the edge,...

Portland Head Light - Maine
Portland Head Light - Maine

Portland Head Light is a historic lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. The light station sits on a head of land at the entrance of the primary...

Keeping watch over the Atlantic
Portland Head Light

On a Easter Sunday at the Portland Head lighthouse .

IMG_0565_RAW - Red lights district
Street focus

Church of St. Nicholas and Red lights district - Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Holland) Церковь Св. Николая и квартал красных...

Portland Head Light
Portland Head Light

First lit in 1791, Portland Head Light is the oldest light in the state of Maine and was the first US lighthouse completed after independence from...

The Northpoint Lighthouse
North Point Light Milwaukee

Taken while on the road with Yahoo! as their weather photographer last Spring.

I came into town late after a day of driving and discovering the...

Sunset at Portland Head Light
Sunset at Portland Head Light

I spent the day in Maine yesterday, first meeting with a friend, a local business-owner in Kennebunkport, to discuss displaying a few prints in her...

Sunset at Portland Head Light
Sunset at Portland Head Light

Kind of an impromptu thing here. Dreary weather all day Saturday that finally began breaking in the early afternoon Sunday. I had been needing to get...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Light!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas, Mario Calma and Andrey Sulitskiy.