
Lincoln Memorial

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism...
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.
by Sandeep Thomas
  • George Washington.

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This is hands down my fave shot from this DC trip. It was taken at the Lincoln memorial with the Washington memorial smack in the middle framed by the giant marble columns as the morning sun lit up the national mall. The composition came by accident as I went inside to get a shot of Lincoln being illuminated by the morning rays and while waiting thought this will be a cool shot in the meantime. It was a little challenging to expose as the interior was still dark and the outside was really bright.

The exposure was for about 1/200th of a second with an f8 aperture at 12mm. and just as I finished here and was putting my camera away a guy ran up the steps and did a rocky routine, unfortunately a soon as he saw me ran away from there. I wish I hand put away my camera as I think that would have been a killer shot..

Abraham Lincoln
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

Statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

Washington Monument as seen from main chamber of Lincoln Memorial during Sunrise, Washington D.C., USA.

Lincoln Memorai at Sunrise
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

The warm glow of sunrise bathes the statue of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC.

Avoid popularity if you would have peace...
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Abraham Lincoln.

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I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln and the Irony of it for he has became arguably the most popular president at the National Mall. The Lincoln memorial is so crowded during the day that it was almost impossible to shoot during the day. After an unsuccessful attempt to shoot the building in the evening I returned the next day early morning around 5AM to shoot this image. These were the first rays of the day illuminating the statue brilliantly and I framed them between the giant columns of the memorial and I only had to deal with a bunch of slightly drunk hipsters in the morning…

The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

I was walking up the stairs weaving through a bunch of people and just as I reached the top step I put my tripod down for this shot. This random guy...

The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

The Lincoln Memorial is an American national monument built to honor the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Enjoy... ...

Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念堂
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.
by Yi Jiang

The Lincoln Memorial is an American memorial built to honor the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The architect was Henry Bacon, the sculptor of the main statue (Abraham Lincoln, 1920) was Daniel Chester French, and the painter of the interior murals was Jules Guerin. It is one of several monuments built to honor an American president.

It was taken in early morning(5:30am) and there is no any visitor.

林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial),被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿市标志,为纪念美国第十六届总统亚伯拉罕·林肯而建。纪念堂位于在华盛顿的国家大草坪西端,碧波如染的波托马克河东岸上,是一座用通体洁白的花岗岩和大理石建造的古希腊神殿式纪念堂。


View On Black

Lincoln Memorial Washington D.C.
The Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C.

Visitors and their smartphones at the Lincoln Memorial in Wahington D.C.


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Lincoln Memorial!
Most notably Sandeep Thomas and Yi Jiang.