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Marin Headlands

Marin Headlands is a stunning natural reserve located in San Francisco, California. This breathtaking location is a popular destination for photographers, nature enthusiasts, and hikers alike. The Headlands offer a diverse range of landscapes, including rugged cliffs, rolling hills, and pristine beaches, making it an ideal location for capturing stunning photographs. The area is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, coyotes, and birds, providing ample opportunities for wildlife photography.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
by Birgit M.


Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
by Yi Jiang

From Spencer Battery at Dawn

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
by David ruiz luna

Con esta foto aprovecho para felicitaros estas fiestas de Navidad, esperando que sean días felices y rodeados de los vuestros. Saludos y un gran abrazo.

With this photo I take the opportunity to congratulate you on these Christmas holidays, hoping they are happy days and surrounded by yours. Greetings and a big hug.

San Francisco, California, USA September 2016


South Tower in the Low Fog
San Francisco through Golden Gate
by Milton Sun

View the Golden Gate Bridge from Hawk Hill at Marin Headlands in San Francisco.

San Francisco Sunrise
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Spent a few days in the Bay Area. Of course the first shot I'm posting is a sunrise shot of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge from the Marin Headlands...

Fog Day Afternoon
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

During another trip I happened upon this. Glad I had my camera!

Golden Panorama
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Photographing Golden Gate Bridge was on my wishlist for quite a long time. After contemplating few times during the trip to Sierra, I finally decided...

Golden Gate
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Not a particularly fantastic shot of the Golden Gate Bridge, but it is my first. This was taken on the way back from Point Reyes, under a light rain...

Good Morning San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Cruddy weather does have certain advantages. It often creates very dramatic conditions for photography - conditions that will never exist on a nice...

Birthday Girl
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Update: KFOG posted an amazing video of the event. Check it out!

For most people living in the SF Bay Area, the Golden Gate Bridge is one of...

8.3 Minutes
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

An interesting sunrise over San Francisco from the Marin headlands. The initial sunrise was muted by the low clouds, but as the sun got between the...

Bridge By The Bay
Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Baker

Long Exposure of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Area.

Fiery Sunrise over the Golden Gate
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

The only decent sky I saw during my time in the Bay Area came a couple of mornings in. Unfortunately this cloud was really high in the sky, so a...

Kirby Cove - Explored
San Francisco from Kirby Beach

North of San Francisco along the entrance to the bay, there's a small cove. With the storm today, it looked like there was a nice chance for some...

Golden Gate Bridge in the Morning Gold
San Francisco through Golden Gate

A beautiful sunrise over San Francisco seen through the Golden Gate Bridge.

Moonlight is sculpture...[explored]
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
by Sandeep Thomas
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne.

The quintessential Golden Gate shot. I was in the west coast last weekend but didn't had a lot of time in my hands. so I decided to get to the Golden Gate and get the touristy shots. My friend suggested this location as it has the city lights behind to give some interest. I was really hoping for some fog but didn't get lucky. I really wanted to get a shot from the other side though as it would have captured a beautiful sunset behind the bridge.

Golden Gate
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer
by Michael

Early morning on the marin headlands at one of the lower viewpoints. No low fog or other spectacular things happneded that morning but I just had to get my golden Gate shot :-)

Before Sunrise|Golden Gate, San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Baker
by Milton Sun

Thank you for taking time to view this image!

Golden Gate & Clouds
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Golden gate bridge and the sunset at San Francisco

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Karl at the Gate
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

I've been missing the recent fog events due to my being a parent, and trying to be a responsible one at that... So, I was looking through my backlog...

Golden Gate Glow
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Attempting to capture an image that has been taken so many millions of times, takes a lot of thought and preparation. Reaching this area on the Marin...

Dawn of a New Day - San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

**This is a copyrighted image with all rights reserved. Please don't use this image on websites, blogs, facebook, or other media without my explicit...

Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

You have to be blind to have not seen the gazillion photos of the Golden Gate Bridge's 75th anniversary on May 27, 2012. The GGB is a special...

The Clearing Storm
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

Here's the sunrise from Sunday morning, after the wettest Saturday ever. I think this was taken with a polarizer and a 3-stop soft-step ND grad but...

Flames Across the Bay
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

As photography has taken a backseat for the last six weeks, and I have not been on a photo shoot since South Carolina, I decided to look at some old...

Burn City
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

The best photographers that I know are also great planners, researchers, and weathermen. Every once in a while, though, things can be lucky. This was...

The Gate
San Francisco from Kirby Beach

From Kirby Cove looking toward the bridge with the city of San Francisco beyond.

A 30 second exposure.

Sunrise on the city by the bay
San Francisco from Kirby Beach

Friday morning... No wife, no kids.. no work... out the door I went. 5am I jumped in the car and headed north looking at the sky to guide me. Ended...

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
San Francisco from Hawk Hill
by Yi Jiang

From Hawk Hill at Dusk

Christmas Gift
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Zack and I have a Christmas tradition to wake up at the wee hours of the night on Christmas Morning and drive to San Francisco to photograph the...

Golden Gate Bridge With Ship
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

6 Sekunden belichtet, es war sehr windig. Exposure time was 6 seconds, it was very windy.

Golden Gate Bridge Up-Close
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

A classic shot of Golden Gate Bridge with a backdrop of San Francisco downtown during Dawn. I liked that perfect position of Crescent Moon.

Just Another Golden Evening
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

I've spent my fair share of evenings on this hill, watching people come and go, seeing the steady sea of traffic flow across the bridge, hearing to...

Before Sunup at the Golden Gate
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Another Golden Gate shot. I know, I know. I promise I'll get some more variety in my SF shots up. I just feel these are some of my better ones, so I...

Golden Gate Sunrise
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Sunrise over San Francisco from the Marin Headlands. Nothing terribly special but it's such a pretty view - sunrise or sunset. Not too much else I...

The Lonely Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Baker

Taking a break from all the storm pics...

I caught this in the wee hours of the morning. Strange to see this iconic structure with no vehicles on...

Pastel-icious Bridge-ilicious [Explored]
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

*** Explored #42 on 10/21/2016! ***

It's not common to get both low fog and high thin clouds at the Golden Gate Bridge. In fact, I had been waiting...

Golden Gate Traffic
Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Baker

I was chasing the sunset tonight and the sunset won. Sundown at 4:30 pm got the best of me again. That said, I decided to try my hand at this shot,...

Summer's Blanket
San Francisco from Hawk Hill

Hopefully as each year passes by, we, as photographers, learn from our past mistakes and in turn become better photographers. A year ago I left...

Sunrise at the Cove
San Francisco from Kirby Beach

Watching the city wake up and up to my knees in the water. No better way to start a day!


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Marin Headlands!
Most notably Yi Jiang, Jiri Hajek and Birgit M..