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You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:
You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:
This image shows the in my opinion most compelling view of the monastery Agios Nikolaos Anapafsas. I had a quite clear imagination of the image look...
The next set of images will be from my photography trip to Greece. The first days I spent at the monasteries of Meteora before I headed to the...
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You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:
De los 24 monasterios originales de Meteora actualmente sólo están habitados unos seis a los que se sube gracias a las escaleras construidas no hace mucho. Antes sólo se podía llegar arriba mediante un montacargas o cuerdas. En la imagen, el monasterio Varlaam.
El conjunto de los monasterios de Meteora es Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 1988.
Meteora, Greece, archives never uploaded for lack of time last year, mid-November seems to be the sweet time at that location, and last year was an...
I wish there had been a few high clouds, and snow on the peaks, but oh well, it could have been a lot worse.
Thanks to everyone for faves and comments, the road photo means the usual, I will be offline more or less for a month, but this time, being winter, I...
With the monasteries of Meteora becoming a part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 1988 the number of people visiting this site has increased a...
You can visit and subscribe to my youtube Travel photos channel in the following link:
De los 24 monasterios originales de Meteora actualmente sólo están habitados unos seis a los que se sube gracias a las escaleras construidas no hace mucho. Antes sólo se podía llegar arriba mediante un montacargas o cuerdas. En la imagen, el monasterio Roussanou. El conjunto de los monasterios de Meteora es Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 1988.
I wish there had been a few high clouds, and snow on the peaks, but oh well, it could have been a lot worse.
I wish there had been a few high clouds, and snow on the peaks, but oh well, it could have been a lot worse.
Η μονή Αγ. Βαρβάρας Ρουσσάνου στα Μετέωρα, φωτογραφημένη νωρίς το πρωί το Νοέμβριο του 2010.
The monastery of Ag. Varvara Roussanou in Meteora,...
Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Meteora!
Most notably Vagelis Pikoulas, Enrica Fabriani and Giuseppe Milo.