
Mieminger Chain

Magic of the Alps
Magic of the Alps
by Michael

More than one year I had to wait to take this photo. Last year when I was up there with some fellow photographers I did take no serious photo because of the awefull weather we had. We spent most of our time hiking through clouds, rain and snow and scouted the area, but didn't take out our cameras very often.

So I went back there last weekend and this time I got lucky with the weather :-)

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Seefeld in Winter

Cute church and ski resort, too bad the snow was below seasonal levels, I guess it's a sign of things to come in rising global temperatures.

Seefeld in Winter

Cute church and ski resort, too bad the snow was below seasonal levels, I guess it's a sign of things to come in rising global temperatures.

Winter Moon
Winter Moon

Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, a few days after snowfall, late at night under a full moon. Snow cover used to be quite common in winter at this location,...

Winter Moon
Winter Moon

Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, a few days after snowfall, late at night under a full moon. Snow cover used to be quite common in winter at this location,...


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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Mieminger Chain!
Most notably Michael.