

Brandenburger Tor, Berlin
Brandenburger Tor
by Yi Jiang

The Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate, rebuilt in the late 18th century as a neoclassical triumphal arch, and now one of the most well-known landmarks of Germany.

It is located in the western part of the city centre of Berlin, at the junction of Unter den Linden and Ebertstraße, immediately west of the Pariser Platz. One block to the north stands the Reichstag building. The gate is the monumental entry to Unter den Linden, the renowned boulevard of linden trees, which formerly led directly to the city palace of the Prussian monarchs.

During the post-war Partition of Germany, the gate was isolated and inaccessible immediately next to the Berlin Wall, and the area around the gate featured most prominently in the media coverage of the opening of the wall in 1989.

Berliner Dom beim Festival of Lights
Berliner Dom
by Frank Voigtländer

Dom mit Springbrunnen im Lustgarten. Der rechte Turm war leider eingerüstet. Im Hintergrund ist noch die Spitze vom Fernsehturm zu sehen. 2020.09 Ostsee-Berlin-Dresden-603-BA

Berlin B/W
Potsdamer Platz
by Walter Maurer

Another version of Potsdamerplatz Berlin

Brandenburg Gate - Berlin, Germany - Travel photography
Brandenburger Tor
by Giuseppe Milo

Check out my gallery at www.pixael.com/en/pictures if you want to see more pictures.

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Atrium Tower
Forum Tower
by Walter Maurer

Der Berliner Atrium Tower (ehemals: debis-Haus) ist ein Bürogebäude in der Nähe des Potsdamer Platzes im Berliner Ortsteil Tiergarten. Mit 106 Metern Höhe ist es das fünfthöchste Hochhaus und das zehnthöchste Bauwerk der Stadt.

Berlin TV-Tower
by Walter Maurer

Great view over Berlin and the TV-tower from the Park-Inn roof terrace.

Der Berliner Fernsehturm ist mit 368 Metern das höchste Bauwerk Deutschlands sowie der vierthöchste Fernsehturm Europas. Der Fernsehturm befindet sich im Park am Fernsehturm im Berliner Ortsteil Mitte.

Dem deutschen Volke
Berlin - Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus
by Walter Maurer

Multimedia show at the German Bundestag, Berlin.

Berliner absence (Berlino)
Berliner absence
by Salvatore Petrantoni

Tra le molte panchine in riva al fiume che bagna Berlino alcune erano popolate da qualche senza tetto...questa, forse un po troppo illuminata, era stata scartata anche da loro. Una panchina, un'assenza da colmare da qualcuno...in una fredda notte berlinese.

Holocaust Memorial
by Walter Maurer

In 1999, after lengthy debates, the German parliament decided to establish a central memorial site, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The competition to design it was won by the New York architect Peter Eisenman. The memorial was ceremonially opened in 2005.

by Enrica Fabriani

El Memorial del Holocausto es un conjunto de 2.711 bloques de hormigón que se construyó en homenaje a las víctimas judías del nazismo. Se encuentra junto a la Puerta de Brandenburgo.

Gli specchi della "lanterna" (Reichstag di Berlino)
by Salvatore Petrantoni

Il palazzo del Reichstag di Berlino fu costruito come sede per le riunioni del Reichstag, il parlamento del Reich tedesco. Fu inaugurato nel 1894 e pesantemente rovinato dai bombardamenti della seconda guerra mondiale, tornò ad essere la sede del parlamento tedesco nel 1999. La cupola di vetro che serve anche come "lanterna" che illumina con luce naturale il parlamento ad essa sottostante è un'istallazione moderna risalente al 1992 grazie all'opera di sir Norman Foster. La cupola offre ai suoi numerosi visitatori una straordinaria vista sulla città dettagliatamente descritta dall'ottima guida che viene rilasciata ai visitatori. La visita alla cupola è possibile solo su prenotazione su internet (prenotare parecchie settimane prima) oppure attraverso l'ufficio prenotazioni poco distante dal'ingresso dell'edificio.

Berlin, Fernsehturm
by Frank Voigtländer

2018.10 Berlin-42

Berlin Brandenburger Tor
Brandenburger Tor
by Walter Maurer

First picture from a short trip to Berlin. Fantastic city!

The Dome B/W
by Walter Maurer

Detail from the Reichstags building in Berlin. Tried to find some dynamic lines.

Paesaggio Berlinese (Berlino)
View from Siegessäule
by Salvatore Petrantoni

Strutture architettoniche moderne, paesaggio in continua evoluzione e ampi spazi verdi attraversata da un fiume navigabile. Storia recenti di tremende atrocità si mescolano con una modernità fatta di crescita economica e continuo rinnovamento su una terra che qualche decina di anni fa era stata rasata al suolo. Tutto questo è Berlino ma non solo.

Bremerhaven Blues, Germany
Havenwelten Bremerhaven
by Adelheid Smitt

The Sail Hotel in Bremerhaven reminds me of of the Burj-al-Arab in Dubai, and my main reason for wanting to photograph this view. The lower, rounded building to the left is the Klimahaus, a nature and climate museum showing various parts of our planet lying on 8° longitude. The wind was howling, and rain was pelting down on me when I stood here. I was wondering if I would be able to get a sharp image during the shoot. But luckily it worked.

infinite staircase
infinite staircase
by Hilde Jüngst

Municipality Leipzig

Stairway (Berlin)
by Salvatore Petrantoni

Lightened in a dark night.