
Mouro Island

Mouro for ever
by Pedro Fierro

La fuerza y fiereza de la mar, sus olas golpeando contra las costas Cantabras sobre de la península de la Magdalena.

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Mouro for ever
Mouro for ever
by Juan Carlos Ruiz San Millán

An impressive image of the lighthouse of the Mouro Island located in the entrance of the Santander bay. This lighthouse built in 1860 have resisted the periodic attacks of the Cantabric sea waves in winter without major problems, even this year when the waves have caused terrific damages in Santander. We hope to enjoy this spectacle for many years.

The quality of the image is not perfect due to the weather conditions, with some noise that I have not been able to completely remove. The light of the lighthouse was added in the post-processing.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Mouro Island!
Most notably Juan Carlos Ruiz San Millán and Pedro Fierro.