
Newhaven Harbour

Who Loves the Sun
Newhaven Harbour
by Damon Finlay

Hello there strangers! This is the first pic I've managed to take outdoors since May thanks to the foot injury I "acquired" back then. After a failed attempt at trying to get back to work and more time stuck indoors I lost all enthusiasm for anything photography related, even coming and checking out everyones images here on Flickr but thankfully things are getting back to normal now! This is Newhaven Harbour in Edinburgh, where I had the pleasure of bumping into www.flickr.com/photos/diasgallery/ Nice to meet you Uillihans!

Newhaven Evolution
Newhaven Harbour
by Damon Finlay

Another shot from my trip to Newhaven last week but processed with a different look and hopefully feel. I decided to make this shot b&w but with a warm tone in the shadows. Again blended a couple of shots to get this and an interesting side effect (at least to me!) was the couple of people of walking along the harbour wall has morphed into a kind of Zallinger's March of Progress evolution of man form. It might be harder to see on this sized image but it's there.

Newhaven Harbour Mono
Newhaven Harbour

The picturesque lighthouse at Newhaven Harbour, near Edinburgh, Scotland.

Taken on a dull afternoon in November. The day had been bright and cold...

Newhaven Harbour Lighthouse
Newhaven Harbour

A (very) long exposure (15 minutes) of the lighthouse at Newhaven Harbour near Edinburgh. The wind was very strong, bitterly cold and required a...

Seems so long ago...
Newhaven Harbour
by Damon Finlay

And could well be, came across this after a LR trawl, thought I'd posted it here but a check through the stream says no! Newhaven Harbour basking in the light of sunset, a fairly long time ago!

Newhaven Lighthouse
Newhaven Harbour

Sunset at Newhaven Harbour, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Newhaven Harbour
Newhaven Harbour
by Damon Finlay

This was the best it got sunset wise, on Thursday down at Newhaven Harbour. It looked like it might of promised more but a great big lump of cloud came along and got in the way!

Newhaven Liquid Gold Sunset
Newhaven Harbour

This long exposure image captures the beauty of the late Autumn sunset over Newhaven Harbour near Edinburgh, Scotland.

I have to confess that I...

Newhaven Harbour Lighthouse 2
Newhaven Harbour

Another view of the lighthouse on the harbour wall at Newhaven, near Edinburgh. This was an experiment in combining multiple (10) exposures to...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Newhaven Harbour!
Most notably Damon Finlay.