

Blooming Prague
Almond Orchard
by Jiri Hajek

Almonds bloom here beautifully in the Spring, usually around mid or late March. Quite a popular spot then, but still enjoyable.

Mornings are the best as there's a nice light from the East. Sunsets don't light the orchard at all.

Various compositions are possible here, from details to Prague panoramas. I prefer shorter telephoto lens as it lets you include some foreground together with some beautiful Prague Old Town towers.

Old Orchard Beach Sunrise
Old Orchard Beach Sunrise

Began the morning at 4am for a long (but fantastic) day of photography in Maine with Rich and Brian.

This is the coastal summer town of Old Orchard...

by Daniel Cheong

ION is the futuristic looking shopping mall on the right, newly opened on Orchard Road in Singapore. Taken during a photo outing with Hock How and Sabine.

Technical info:: 5 exposures digital blending + vertorama. My 11mm lens could not get the top of the two towers in the frame, therefore the only way was the vertorama and some aggressive and tedious distortion corrections!

** Singapore Set | Digital Blending Set | Night Photography Set | Vertoramas Set**

Sunrise in Old Orchard Beach
Sunrise in Old Orchard Beach

Had plans to hang out in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, yesterday, so I figured I may as well get a sunrise shoot in somewhere beforehand. Reached out to...

Paragon Bridge I
Paragon Bridge I
by Alec Lux

This bridge is a connection between 2 buildings, close to the Apple store on Orchard Road. I really liked its design and the lighting of it. I made several different framings, each of them with a different processing.

This image was created with: Haida 150mm filterholder Haida CPOL

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Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Orchard!
Most notably Jiri Hajek, Alec Lux and Daniel Cheong.