Otter Crest State Scenic Viewpoint

Otter Crest Loop view, Oregon Coast, USA
Otter Crest Loop view, Oregon Coast, USA

This photo was taken from the viewpoint at the Otter Crest Loop between Lincoln City and Newport, Oregon, USA.

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Otter Crest Panorama, Oregon Coast
Otter Crest Loop view, Oregon Coast, USA

This is a panorama photo taken from the viewpoint at the Otter Crest Loop between Lincoln City and Newport, Oregon, USA. I used my "panorama"...
Cape Foul Weather.jpg
Otter Crest Loop view, Oregon Coast, USA

Somewhat of an unexpectedly vibrant sunset. Sort of stumbled across this spot just north of Newport on the Oregon Coast.
Cape Foulweather.jpg
Otter Crest Loop view, Oregon Coast, USA

Not such foul weather on this evening. A rather unexpectedly vibrant sunset from an ideal perch.