
Page Brothers Building

Chicago Theatre
by Nenad Spasojevic

I’m not sure what is going on? We seem to get a glimpse of spring every third day and the rest of the week just feels like winter. Tulips were out for a few days and I thought I should board the tulip train and capture the frame that feels like spring while I can. That sure didn’t last long. What do you think?

Chicago Theatre
by Nenad Spasojevic

I manage to take this shot just a minute or two before all heaven break loose above the Chicago. Despite all the weather problems, that night the shoot was success and I walk out with some great shots from that evening. I really wanted to have this in my portfolio. The trick was not to walk away with the cliche composition and to add something interesting on my own. I played with the few different exposure times. I couldn't combine one exposure time and get the clouds that I wanted and the bus trails that I needed to hide the visual noise behind it. I than ended up using one for the clouds and one for the bus trails, to get the final result. The 10sec exposure was used for the clouds and 1.5sec exposure for the bus trails. What do you think?

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Page Brothers Building!
Most notably Joao Eduardo Figueiredo, Nenad Spasojevic and Andrey Sulitskiy.