
Palace on the Water

Palace on the Isle
by Enrica Fabriani

El Palacio del Agua, construido sobre una isla, fue la residencia veraniega del último rey polaco.

Palace Bridge
Palace on the Isle

The western bridge which connects Lazienki Palace to the rest of the park.

Just after I took this photo, there was a photoshoot with a bride and...

Palace on the Isle
by Enrica Fabriani

El Palacio sobre el Agua, en el Parque Lazienki, fue la residencia de verano del último rey polaco.

Palace on the Isle
Palace on the Isle

The magnificent Lazienki Palace located in the verdant surroundings of Lazienki Park.

The origins of today’s Palace on the Isle date back to the...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Palace on the Water!
Most notably Enrica Fabriani.