

Buenos Aires
Jardín Japonés
by Enrica Fabriani

Jardín Japonés.

Teatro Politeama
Teatro Politeama
by Walter Maurer

Older photo but fitting the topic, SICILY

View from the Cathedral
by Walter Maurer

Looking over Palermo from the roof of the Cathedral.

Cefalu Blues

Cefalu, Sicily, after dusk, 3 different versions, I don't particularly like any of them, maybe why I waited 4 months to upload this series.

Cefalu Blues

Cefalu, Sicily, after dusk, 3 different versions, I don't particularly like any of them, maybe why I waited 4 months to upload this series.

Cappella Palatina
Cappella Palatina
by Walter Maurer

Designed by Roger II in 1130, this extraordinary chapel is Palermo's top tourist attraction.

Fontana Pretoria
Fontana Pretoria
by Walter Maurer

The fountain was originally created for a garden in Florence in 1551. In 1573 it was sold to the city of Palermo. For the transport the fountain was disassembled in 644 pieces. Because of the nudity of the statues, the square became also known as "Piazza della Vergogna" (Square of Shame).

by Frank Voigtländer

Palermo, Sizilien, Italien

chiesa di San Cataldo, Palermo
Chiesa di San Cataldo
by Walter Maurer

one of the oldest churches in Palermo.

Sul monte Pellegrino (PA)
Sul monte Pellegrino
by Salvatore Petrantoni

La splendida vista dal Monte pellegrino da cui sono visibili in basso a sinistra la spiaggia di Vergine Maria con accanto la Tonnara di Bordonaro e sullo sfondo il promontorio di Capo Zafferano e poco più in alto le splendide Madonie raramente imbiancate.

Center of Sicily (CL)
Center of Sicily
by Salvatore Petrantoni

In Siclia si visitano principalmente le mete in riva al mare piene di storia e bellezze naturali ma quest'anno ho preferito recarmi tra le colline morbide e minimaliste dell'interno cercando scorci e geometri da condividere.

Cefalu Blues

Cefalu, Sicily, after dusk, 3 different versions, I don't particularly like any of them, maybe why I waited 4 months to upload this series.

Buenos Aires
Jardín Japonés
by Enrica Fabriani

Jardín Japonés.

Quatro Canti
Quatro Canti
by Walter Maurer

More than a street crossing is the intersection of Via Vittorio Emanuele and Via Maqueda. Its a meeting point, landmark and most of all a point of reference for all strangers coming to Palermo for the first time.

Le temps est douleur
Duomo di Monreale
by SIMON Hervé

« Nous aspirons à l’atemporalité. Nous souffrons le passage. Nous souffrons le temps. (C’est pourquoi) nous avons imaginé l’éternité, un monde étrange hors du temps que nous voudrions peuplé de Dieux ou d’un Dieu … » Carlo Rovelli, L’ordre du temps, 2018 (traduit de « L’ordine del tempo », 2017)

Cathedral Santa Maria Nuova of Montreale (1172-1176), Palermo, Sicily


San Domenico
San Domenico
by Walter Maurer

Beautiful church of San Domenico at Via Roma, Palermo.

City skyline of Cefalu during sunset, Sicily Italy
by Bastian Linder
Italy - Sicily - Cefalù - Dusk on the Shores of the Ancient City

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One of the Mediterranean's undiscovered jewels. The epitome...


Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Palermo!
Most notably Walter Maurer, Michele Naro and Salvatore Petrantoni.