

Peru is a country located in South America, known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. From the towering Andes Mountains to the lush Amazon rainforest, Peru offers a plethora of breathtaking photography locations. The ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, the colorful streets of Lima, and the vibrant markets of Cusco are just a few of the many places that photographers can capture the essence of Peru.

Photography of Peru

Machupicchu Peru
Machu Picchu
by Alberto Estella

Panorámica de tres fotos en vertical con Canon G3

Me gusta mucho la composición de esta foto y los distintos tonos de verdes.

Hace mas de diez años que tome esta foto pero todavía recuerdo la paz y sosiego que sentí en mi espíritu. Un dia inolvidable.

Monumento que recomiendo visitar a todo aquel que pueda.

Thanks to all Phoide contributors to Peru!
Most notably Andrey Sulitskiy, Jacques B. Geoffroy, Henk Verheyen and Alberto Estella.